Thursday, March 18, 2010

Book Review: The Legacy of Biblical Womanhood by Susan Hunt & Barbara Thompson


I was bought this book for Christmas by my dear husband Steve, as he likes to encourage me with books that can help me learn better how to put into practice the principles in God’s Word. I began reading rather arrogantly assuming that I may not be challenged or taught anything new; that it would most likely be more of what I had already read on this topic. But I was wrong, not only for my pride, but also for thinking that I have understood the full impact of God’s design for women. We have been wonderfully created to be helpers - to our husbands, family and community, and this book explains the importance of discipling women in the Biblical image of womanhood.

Mrs Hunt and Mrs Thompson begin the book with a discussion about how God intends the covenant community to be the culture in which we are equipped to live out the implications of our feminine design. I found this has given me a greater understanding of the grace and mercy of God in the helper design, which defines Biblical womanhood. I can see how the Gospel empowers and compels us to exercise our design. I was reminded again that we are called to pass on the legacy of Biblical womanhood - it is an inheritance that we must steward well and pass on to the next generation. This provides the basic framework for understanding why a “Titus 2-type” discipleship among women is so crucial.

Next they explore the glory of God’s goodness  and how we should demonstrate that in our covenant way of life. To glorify God, which is our primary purpose, we should reflect His mercy, grace, slowness to anger, steadfast love, faithfulness and forgiveness. Although, ultimately, Jesus is the full revelation of a life of God’s goodness, the example of Ruth and Naomi is explored because it demonstrates the relationships of daughter, sister, neighbour, wife, mother and pilgrim. The authors then explain how Ruth and Naomi demonstrate the principles and legacy of gratitude, unity, mercy, intimacy, life and fruitfulness and how to apply this example in our own lives and situations.

The most fascinating concept for me discussed in this book  is a covenantal philosophy of women’s ministry. As community and compassion should characterise our helper design and are characteristics of the covenant of grace it can give focus and definition to women’s ministry which should be a life-giving, supportive ministry. It should be designed to serve not only the women of the church but the whole church! Mrs Hunt and Mrs Thompson explain the core covenantal values for a women’s ministry and their application well but I hope to read more about this exciting Biblical principle.


Thursday, March 4, 2010

Catechism: Grounded in the Gospel


In the latest Whitehorse Inn podcast, Michael Horton discusses catechism with J.I. Packer and Gary Parrett, who are about to release a book titled Grounded in the Gospel: Building Believers the Old Fashioned Way. Like all of the WHI podcasts, it’s well worth a listen, which you can do using the player at the end of this post, or from

We were inspired to use catechism after reading Voddie Baucham’s Family Driven Faith. The one we have chosen to use is a family devotional called Training Hearts, Teaching Minds, which based on the Westminster Shorter Catechism. It contains 6 short devotionals for each question, and as there are 107 questions, it is going to take us a while to get through! There are often times when we miss out on doing it after dinner, for one reason or another, but we are making reasonable progress and enjoying it at the same time.

I think catechism it is an invaluable method of teaching doctrine to the whole family, including ourselves. Check out the Grounded in the Gospel podcast, it’s great!


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Making a “Peace Place” (Pt II)


Our “Peace Place” file is finally made up, although I think it will be added to and changed around as needed. The only problem I have now came from one son who asked, “What are we supposed to do if more than one of us needs it at the same time?”

These are the charts and sheets I have included:

  • The Hope for Life chart showing the results of choosing to respond with either anger or love. It includes positive responses such as confession, repentance, forgiveness and reconciliation and the resulting fruit of love, joy, peace, patience and so forth. It also shows the negative reactions of fighting, rage, revenge, self-pity and bitterness and the fruit of this anger including rebellion, stubbornness, misery, despair, fear and more. In a side column it also shows how anger is a choice based on foolishness and a focus on self, whereas reconciliation glorifies God’s desire and design.
  • A summary of Dr. S. M. Davis sermon “Anger the Destroyer” which we recently watched together as a family. I found some great visual images for the five ways anger is described in the Bible: a city without walls, an unbearable load, a flood, a poisonous snake and a fire-breathing dragon! Dr Davis also has seven points about how to defeat anger.
  • “Is it Love?” poster which is taken from 1 Corinthians 13: 4-7. I found this in a Facets magazine by Heather McEwan. It has a list which the offender can fill in mentally, i.e. Is ………… being patient?
  • The five A’s of Confession, the Four Promises of Forgiveness and a sample prayer which details exactly what it means and how you can confess sin and forgive others. I found these here.
  • A “Problem Solving Think Sheet” from the same Facets magazine by Heather McEwan. This is to help our older children work through a problem they have with each other, together. I am going to spend some time with the older two this week explaining the questions and probably help them out the first time they need to use it. I’m hoping though it will help them take responsibility for solving their problems together in a biblical manner.
  • “Reflective Sit Time Think Sheet” from the same Facets magazine by Heather McEwan. This will mainly be used for offences that are repeated often. I am hoping that by having to take the time to write out the answers to these questions they will really work through the issue, especially the questions “What is the evidence of heart change?” and “Am I really sorry for my actions or just regretful of having been busted?

I also plan to have a jar of simple actions that the offender can select from as a way of making restitution for offences, but that’s a post for another time!
