Friday, January 28, 2011

Time dilation and late night feeds

time dilation

Strange things can happen during late night feeds.

Patrice says that she put an episode of My Three Sons on at the start of last night’s  late feed, but she only remembers the first few minutes before then seeing the credits roll at the end of the episode. 30 minutes had elapsed in what seemed like only 5 minutes. 

She put the episode back on from the start, and once again all  she remembers is the opening scene or two and then – BOOM! – the end credits. Again, 30 minutes had elapsed in what seemed like only 5 minutes.  This couldn’t be a glitch in the dvd player, could it?

Well, third time lucky.

This time, she settled herself down after changing a nappy and swapping sides. She distinctly remembers hitting fast forward, to get past the opening scenes which she had already seen (twice!), but then ended up straight back at the credits -  in what seemed like even less time than before.

What is going on, and how can we explain this strange phenomenon?


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